Yes! Safety is our top priority. We are parents of 2 little children and we also want our privacy and safety. LinkEase does not display exact locations, only approximate positions to protect your privacy. You can even choose your own „blurriness“ of your location, for example 1km radius off your actual position.
You can choose whether to update your location automatically via GPS or manually.
There are no ads, so your data is not used for any advertising purposes.
All chats are end-to-end encrypted to maximize the privacy and safety.
Yes, but not at first. LinkEase is completely free for the first 4–6 months. After that, there will be a small subscription fee. This ensures that the app remains ad-free—because when an app is free, you are often the product and the data is sold to other companies. We won’t do that!
The fee helps cover ongoing costs and further development.
LinkEase is available worldwide. Whether you’re traveling in Europe, Asia, North America, or somewhere off the grid, the app helps you find and connect with other travelers.
LinkEase is designed for various types of travelers, including:
Yes! You can adjust your visibility:
No. LinkEase will remain ad-free to provide a pleasant user experience and protect your data. Instead of ads, a small subscription fee will be introduced after the free initial phase to support the app.
You can create a profile with minimal details, but some basic information (such as a name, country etc.) is required to interact with others. We want to grow a community, to meet, to trust, to benefit. If you do not want to share your information, fine, but then you can’t expect from others that they share theirs and you are not. Without a user profile you can’t join the community.
Also we have to protect the users data and pictures from bots or harmful users. With a dedicated user profile it will be easier to determine those bots and fake-users and keep the community safe and clean.